Takeaway 7 | Mind Your Energetic Manners

We are all guilty of it.. We know that dark side of our mind that hopes something will fail or wishes ill on somebody. Look around, we are almost surrounded by it; listen to the news that promote pandemic and struggles, watch our political ads that attack rather than inform, glance through the hate and fear being spread on the internet. It is no wonder that 95% of people check the news regularly, and 56% of people who watch the news say it stresses them out, according to the APA. This has become the status quo for so many of us, but is this really the way we want to fill our space? We all know it doesn’t feel good, how did we end up here in the first place?

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What if we could not only take control of our space, but take responsibility for it? Our space is what we see every day, and most importantly, how we see it. 

We are programmed to believe that we end, where our skin ends. And, we are broadcasting 24/7 whether we are aware of it, or not. We are affecting the energy of the field with our thoughts and with our emotions and we need to take better responsibility, better care, for how our energy is affecting those around us.

Ever walked into a room where a fight had happened? The air seems so thick that you can cut the tension with a knife. What about a celebration? The instant wave of energy takes over. Even if you were not aware of the groups emotions, you feel it, take it on and can sink into it. Feelings can be contagious, why not spread a little love into your world.

What if our thoughts follow Newton’s laws? Remember from school that every action has an equal and opposite reaction? We have always been taught that our skin is the barrier between us, and the outside world.. we end where our skin ends. The instrumentation is there to measure a thought, so why wouldn’t it have a reaction? This is where tending to our energetic manners comes in. Be mindful of what we are putting out, because it very well may come back to you.

With this in mind, would you start to think a little more on the positive side? After all, it may come back to you. They say thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become character. It’s top down from the simplest shift. Be the change you want to see, simply by tending your thoughts. It’s easy to stick with the status quo, but look at where that has gotten us. We seem more stressed than ever, pandemonium and pandemic on our minds. Let’s remember to mind our energetic manners, send a smile, and Lean into Love.


Takeaway 6 | Check Your Thoughts When You Catch Yourself Judging


Takeaway 8 | Look For a Way to Align Your Work With Your Passion