Takeaway 9 | Let Gratitude Be the Foundation for Your Life

Adopt as much gratitude as you can, as often as you can. Decide now to live in a Gratitude Immersion Program. The more grateful you are … the happier you are. And, the happier you are, the more grateful you are. So step in, lean in … to that cycle.

Try writing down everything you are grateful for. Every experience that has brought you to this moment that has made a positive impact in your life is something to be grateful for. Acknowledge it and feel how your heart smiles with reverence toward the beauty of life and all you are receiving.

You don’t have to have a long list of things, acknowledging at least one thing you are grateful for each day is enough, because to be grateful at all is to be living in awe of the beauty of life.


Takeaway 8 | Look For a Way to Align Your Work With Your Passion


Takeaway 10 | Every Reaction is From Love or Fear