Takeaway 10 | Every Reaction is From Love or Fear

Every action you take is a reaction from either Love or fear 

If God is Love and Love is God, then clearly, the energy of Love wants that for us. It wants us to come from our natural state. We come from love and when we leave this plane, we are headed back to love. So, refine your ability to discern someones intention, without judging them. Work on making your default coming from Love. Don’t assume that the next person is as confident as you think they are  - and give them a break, give them the benefit of the doubt. 

Make a shift in yourself, to be in better balance with the Natural World.


Your power of choice can never be taken away from you. You can choose to look at everything with compassion and love, through the lens of your heart. Lean In to your true nature, Lean In to Love!


Takeaway 9 | Let Gratitude Be the Foundation for Your Life


Good Vibes Writers Circle