Takeaway 3 | Find a Water Bottle You Like - Use it

If you find a bottle that you like, that you resonance with, that reflects something about you … then get it, fill it up with the water you’ve been blessing on your counter and carry it with you wherever you go. 

Try to drink a gallon of water every day. Try to drink a gallon of blessed water every day. Water that has formed into bright, beautiful, symmetrical crystals that is charged with your love and gratitude. 

As the water pours out of the jug, let it catch the light in the room as it flows into your bottle and visualize those sparkles of light catching your intention as it pours. Imagine it sparkly.

In addition turning 70% of your body into healthy, living water, you’ll also be reducing the single-use plastic bottles that are choking the oceans and all the life within it.


Takeaway 2 | Give Yourself The Gift of OGT (Off-Grid Time)


Takeaway 4 | Have A Relationship With A Tree That is Calling You