Takeaway 4 | Have A Relationship With A Tree That is Calling You

Slow yourself down to it’s frequency.

Everything is energy, but our frequency, as humans, tends to be higher and more chaotic, compared to the energy of trees - which is slower and more grounded. When we get in nature - particularly when we are alone, we tend to drop into the slower frequency of nature. When we still our frequency, we can more easily relate to our relatives in the natural world. 

We sometimes just pass by amazing, magnificent trees - in our distracted state. If a tree is in your awareness, stop next time you pass it by and acknowledge it - send it Love.

Research is documenting how trees are able to communicate with each other through the mycelium layer and - and not only do they communicate, but they actually share nutrients - even with trees of another species. Bioacoustics research is showing how plants actually make choices. 

When we talk with a tree, it’s not like we talk to our buddy - like “Hey Tree … How’s it hanging?” It’s more like - dropping your frequency, asking questions, and listening for what comes up. You might be surprised at what shows up. And then, you might start to question if its just your mind talking to you, but with enough profound revelations you will realize its not in your mind and … what difference does it make - a long as what you’re hearing tends to resonate with a feeling of higher perspective.


Takeaway 3 | Find a Water Bottle You Like - Use it


Takeaway 5 | What Do You Do That Can Be Harmful to the Planet?