Can humanity exist on this planet long-term given the path we are currently on?

What is our plan for existing long-term on this planet? There doesn't seem to be any type of global conversation about it - about how humanity can exist here - there is no strategic plan. I mean, if you looked at each country, they could tell you their plan - which would probably be full of ideas about expanding their economy, their Gross National Product. But if that is the plan for every government, in every country - is that consistent with our real need to sustain human life on Planet Earth? 

I wonder what 98% of us really want - in life. People all over the world really just want to get along with their neighbors and provide for their children. It’s odd that we unconsciously go along with letting 2% of “us” create wars and propagate old beliefs.

Its odd we don’t look at it like that


What do we want the world to look like on the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic?


We are the ones we’ve been waiting for